We match Taft Hartley retirement plan objectives with institutional asset managers
We aid investment managers with fiduciary platform partners
We conform investment products to ERISA-compliant structures
Our Commitment & Mission Statement
KearneyCap has a steadfast commitment to collaborate with integrity and passion while at the same time delivering value add results for our Taft Hartley relationships and our limited partners.
KearneyCap's mission is straightforward: Our business exists to facilitate partnerships among LABOR UNIONS, FUND MANAGERS, INVESTMENT CONSULTANTS, and intermediary FIDUCIARIES, that result in the long-term growth of assets for the benefit of UNION MEMBER plan participants.
“Our team has decades of relevant fundraising experience, a thorough understanding of Taft-Hartley plans, and an unparalleled network of fiduciary trustees and institutional investment consultants”
Denise Spillane
Founder & Managing Director
Since its inception in 2013, KearneyCap has raised assets in the following strategies: